Friday 8 March 2013

The Story of Isaac, Epilogue.

The police investigation was thorough, and brutal. Eventually, Isaac and his mother were only dismissed as suspects because neither of them could possibly possess the physical strength to do what had been done to a full-grown man’s body…whether he had already been dead, or not.

It took months – nearly a year – for them to wearily declare that the case was destined to go cold. No one could figure out where to begin looking, for a murderer capable of bending a man in half at the spine and stealing away into the night.

Isaac got ready for bed, and allowed his mother to shut off every light in the house. He followed her down to the basement, and tried to fall asleep in her embrace.

Becoming the fear, she told him, was the key to overcoming it.

And that is how Isaac’s story began.

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