Sunday 3 March 2013

The Use of Language.

Language is a finicky thing, and the use of certain terms in casual dialogue may sit differently in the mind of everyone who hears the words used – or, in this case, reads the words.

When a writer types out a narrative, one must assume that every word is chosen with purpose. Sometimes, the purpose is to weave together a figure of speech. Other times, they are being literal. It can be very difficult to tell.

In this case, the use of the word ‘beg’ is significant.

It is not a term being casually used. In this case, the author must literally beg of her audience to believe.

These things are not a fantasy.

These things are real. They are terrible, they are beyond the comprehension of someone like you or me, and they are everywhere. Watching, and waiting.

The author begs of the reader to at least indulge her, if they cannot believe.

Please. This is not a story.

1 comment:

  1. It's been far too long since I had the luxury of disbelief.
